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I have a few things I wanted to write to you all today, onions, men, and Adonai. So here we go- sit back and grab something that’s not popcorn (gross) and enjoy this ridddeeeee. #gettinginvolved

 [Onions] this past week I got participate in the womens rehabilitation program, these women do SO much for the foundation but I just want to highlight one thing – onions. Everyday these women spend hours upon hours in the kitchen and lucky me so did I. The 3 days I participated I am 97% sure that I cut about 30-40 onions… but before I could cut them I had to peel and cut off all the yucky crap around it, there were so many times that I picked one up and just thought how much easier it would be to throw it away than to make it look beautiful and ready. Then It occurred to me, these women, the people around me, are just like these onions. There were so many times in the week that I was talking to these women and peeled back layers, got through the messy, the yucky, the “throw it away” stuff and saw them for who they were actually were. Beautiful, and ready for change, ready for love, ready to overcome, ready to conquer. It was as sweet as pecan pie to even remind myself that God picks us out of a bag, sees all the nasty stuff and instead of the easy way, to throw us out he cleans us up and calls us His.

MAJOR SIDENOTE: typing this while listening to “Coming in hot” so V recommend thanks!

[Men] On Saturdays, Ciudad Refugio has a special service just for the men in the program as well as the homeless men in the area. This Saturday we got to actually RUN THE SERVICE! From worship, to the testimony, the teaching, the prayer, all of it. I actually got to share my testimony this night, WHAT! It was the most “in-place” thing I have done in so long, I loved getting to share with hundreds of men what the Lord has done in my life and is capable of doing in their lives and lives of people they know. MAN HE IS SO GOOD! AMEN! side note: worship gals 2020 killed it IN SPANISH! Mattheewww also killed it even though IYKYK (lol) so good.

MAJOR SIDENOTE AGAIN: this line in this song = Yeah, I know, I know I’m rachet but I’m really saved SO same? 0.o

[Adonai – a Hebrew name for God] For those of you who know UPPERROOM (woot woot) they just put a spontaneous moment of them literally declaring the name of God for 6 minutes. We had debrief the past couple of days and honestly there came a time where I didn’t want to be around anyone, I felt anxious, I felt annoyed, I felt weird and not like who God says I am. I gladly went on YouTube saw this song and was wrecked, wrecked because for 6 minutes I declared the name of God, the powerful, healing, loving, name of God. I honestly had more to say but instead I will leave you with the link to the song and encourage you to spend time with God, declaring His name.    <<<< LISTEN TO ME!


K byeeeeeeeee <3 <3 <3   

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